17 September 2012

The Day spent in Bath


The picture above shows the Abbey in the center and the Roman Baths and the Pump Room on the right.  It is also the meeting place for free walking tours throughout Bath at 10:30 A.M. given by professional guides who volunteer their time to tourists (like you and I) to enjoy our time spent in this historical city.  This made a HUGE difference for our experience!!

Bath has beautiful gardens and they are always winning awards about how beautiful they are presented and landscaped.  There are little plaques all over the gardens.

Just seeing these two places makes me happy.  You can make fun of me all you want, but I was seriously so excited to see these because of my love for Pride and Prejudice and all those other romantic time period movies.  I am a sucker for a good BBC or PBS movie!

For some history ... John Wood (father and son) in the 1770's were the local architects for these and it was all about the buildings, and the appearance of symmetry and perfection.  They didn't really care what you did in the back of your home, as long as the front was in perfect condition and it matched everyone/everything else.  They would have been appalled with the trees blocking the buildings because it hid their masterpiece.

The circus was neat because the architecture showed Doric, Ionic and Corinthian -  which I totally remembered from my AP Art History class in High School!

(In the circus (below) is where Nicolas Cage and Jonny Depp lived for a period of time - just to give you and idea of how expensive this area is) 

Outside of the Abbey - above
Inside the Abbey - below

The Roman Baths
If you ever go to England you really should make a point to come to Bath and to visit the Roman Baths.  It was fascinating!

For more information go here:

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