14 September 2012

Driving around to Avebury, Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral


This is another location where prehistoric Neolithic pagan stone circles exist.  They date back to 2800 B.C. and here in Avebury they are 16 times the size of Stonehenge.

Check out this cute building with the thatched roof top!

I made my husband take this photo - I thought this store was so charming!

For more information about Avebury go here:
or here:


Stonehenge is as incredible as you might think!  It is right off the highway and you can pay 3 pounds to park or you can pay extra to actually go in, listen to their audio-guide, and walk around the site.  Just do it, pay the money, and enjoy yourself.

Unlike Avebury, Stonehenge has horizontal cross pieces, and their stones have  been made smooth and uniform.  They date back to 3000 and 1000 B.C.

For more information about visiting go here:  www.english-heritage.org.uk/stonehenge

6 ley lines intersect here, they are lines of magnetic or spiritual powers, and they crisscross here.  It is a celestial calendar.  It has 500 burial mounds within a 3 miles radius.


This is England's tallest spire at 404 feet tall.  And guess how long it took them to built this one?  Only 38 years.  Can you believe that?!  Only 38 years, so you can imagine how it depicts the Middle Ages.

There is a second copy of the Magna Carta here in case you miss the one in the British Library.

This picture is the reflection of a fountain inside the Salisbury Cathedral with the stain-glass windows and everything- neat huh?

1 comment:

  1. It's very intresting! And what is on the last picture? It's without title. Is it a mirrow ?
