07 April 2013

Salzburg, Austria

WARNING: So. Many. Pictures.

We started our little tour of Salzburg at Mozart's Square.  When I asked my daughter who this man was, she yelled 'Joseph Smith'.  Those of you who
belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints might only get that joke.  It was funny!

There are carriages everywhere.  Wouldn't it be fun to ride them around on a romantic summer day?

This is the fountain ... it is winter, so the fountain was all boarded up for protection.

The Salzburg Cathedral dedicated to Saint Rupert and Saint Vergilius

I kind of love Baroque!

And a close up

Here is the backside to the Salzburg Cathedral right before we headed up to explore the castle.

For more information about the Castle go here:

Hohensalzburg Castle ... this time the view is on the backside (this was taken the next day)

Looking down into the castle while on the top of the tower.

View of Salzburg from the castle tower

Next Stop -- Petersfriedhof or St. Peter's Cemetery 

For more information go here:

This is the cemetery that inspired the end scene of Sound of Music where they are hiding behind the gated grave sights at the abbey before they run into Ralph (ro Ralf).

Inside St. Peter's

The yellow home above is where Mozart was born.  My oldest daughter had just finished learning about Mozart at school and was fascinated to be walking where he was born and where he lived.  

Above and Below are pictures while walking down the main pedestrian walk where all the shopping is done : getriedegasse.  I seriously LOVED this street, it was so charming!

We then crossed over the lock bridge, where everyone has declared their love by hanging a lock on the bridge, and left the old town to enter the new part of town.

I love these locks!  They are all over Europe.

Do you recognize this from the Sound of Music?!  Our kids were so excited!

Another view of Salzburg, with the Castle at the top of the hill - Beautiful!  

Mirabell Palace and Gardens
For more information go here:

Those of you who are Sound of Music fans might recognize this as where the kids sand the song "Do - Re - Me".  My kids were loving this part of our walk.

Close up of the Pegasus 

Do you recognize those stairs?  
This was as close as we could get to them from this angle, but we were still happy to be there!  You could walk around and stand behind the gate but this angle is a better picture.

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