29 June 2012

An Evening in Lucca, Italy

We loved just wandering around this city at dusk.  Granted a lot of the big points were closing when we snuck in but it was so much fun to just walk around, window shop, eat dinner, grab some Gelato,  and let the kids run free without disturbing anybody.

Church and Baptistery of San Giovanni and Reparata

(on the bottom right of this picture is where we got our Gelato ... YUM!!)

San Martino Cathderal

Guinigi Tower

The tower isn't pictured here but in another picture ... I just like this picture better.  We were wandering around in search of Guinigi's Tower.  We found the tower but unfortunately it was closed, but I'm pretty sure you can climb up to the top.

Piazza dell' Anfiteatro
Originally it was the site of a Roman amphitheater but has since been turned into apartments and shops.

The walls of Lucca - or the Ramparts - at sunset.
These walls go around the entire city - tons of people were walking, biking, running.  It was such a peaceful walk.  It totally reminded me of something one would see in China.

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