04 May 2012

More of Prague

The Municipal House, or "The People's House" on the right and on the left is the Powder Tower.  The Powder Tower was built in 1475 and got it's name because it was used to store ammunition during the 30 Years War, it also is one of 13 gates that served as entry ways to the city.

Above: The Church of St. James

Below: A real hand.  Seriously!  Apparently a thief once tried to take the jewels off the sacred Virgin Mary statue, but she grabbed it and wouldn't let go, so naturally it had to be cut off.  A nice momento and reminder to other potential thieves.

Astronomical Clockk ( or Orloj)

A view of the Easter Market on Old Town Square

The view of Prague from the Old Town Bridge Tower at the end of Charles' Bridge

Charles Bridge connecting Mala Strana with Staromestska

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