10 June 2011

New Assignment!

Just a quick update: We will no longer be moving to South Korea for 2 years with the military.  Our new assignment will be in Grafenwohr Germany.  We definitely want to go to Korea eventually, it is not off the table yet.   Going to Germany first works our better than trying to get to Germany after our Korean tour.  It is now down to crunch time before we move and we are keeping our fingers crossed and hopeful that all our plans will fall into place concerning packing, moving and touring.  I'm excited to be taking pictures in Europe soon!

1 comment:

  1. i don't think you quite get how JEALOUS i am of you missy!!!! looking at all those pics,GREAT pics, of Germany!! Gosh how i miss it! u r sooooo lucky and i'm so glad you're taking it all in!!!
    They have a christmas town, i'm sure you've heard of it. christmas all year. if you can, check it out.
    eat a lot of pomes fritas and spaghetti ice for me. :)
    then to korea??? jealous again!!! I lived near the yongsan base. you will love it there, too. traffic sucks, winters and summers are horrendous, but it's such a neat place. i taught myself how to READ korean (not understand what iwas reading for the most part) but it helps when catching buses or on the subway. trust me, the korean alphabet is even easier than the english.
    n e ways, keep posting. i love your life!! :)
